Blood Sugar Chart: Understanding Normal and Diabetic Blood Sugar Ranges

Diabetes control chart

Embark on a journey with us through the blood sugar chart, an essential guide that demystifies the ideal glucose levels in your bloodstream before and after meals. Whether you are diabetes-free or managing the condition, this chart, combined with the A1C levels, can be your roadmap to better health.

What is Fasting Blood Sugar?

Let's start by understanding Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS), also called Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG). It represents the glucose levels in your blood after fasting for at least eight hours, during which only water is permitted. This test serves as a compass, guiding you through the amount of glucose in your bloodstream, and is a widespread tool for detecting diabetes or prediabetes.

Blood samples for this test can be collected at a lab, hospital, or doctor's office. While one method involves drawing blood from your arm's vein, another simpler approach uses a lancet for a finger-stick test.

Non-Diabetic Fasting Blood Sugar Ranges

For individuals not diagnosed with diabetes, the blood sugar chart points to a normal fasting blood sugar range of 70 to 99 mg/dl. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) advises routine screening for type 2 diabetes beginning at age 35, with subsequent screenings every three years if the results are normal.

However, factors such as obesity, family history, gestational diabetes, or belonging to a high-risk race/ethnicity (African American, Latino, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Native American) warrant earlier and more frequent screenings.

Children and adolescents exhibiting diabetes symptoms or who are overweight with a family history of type 2 diabetes and belong to high-risk ethnic groups should initiate testing at age 10 or the onset of puberty, followed by triennial tests.

Prediabetes surfaces with fasting blood sugar levels ranging from 100 to 125 mg/dl. Characterized by elevated blood sugar levels not quite reaching the diabetes threshold, prediabetes necessitates lifestyle alterations and sometimes medication to mitigate the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

ADA Recommendations on Fasting Blood Sugar for People with Diabetes

For most non-pregnant adults living with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends keeping the fasting blood sugar within the 80 to 130 mg/dl bracket. However, customizing these targets might be necessary, accounting for factors such as the duration of diabetes, age, other health conditions, and more. Liaising with healthcare providers to define your blood sugar goals is crucial.

Healthy Blood Sugar Post-Eating

Non-Diabetic Individuals:

Blood sugar levels from 60-140 mg/dl are typically considered normal post-meal. However, levels between 140 and 199 mg/dl signify prediabetes, whereas levels equal to or exceeding 200 mg/dl can indicate diabetes.


For most non-pregnant adults with diabetes, the ADA advocates blood sugar levels under 180 mg/dl 1-2 hours after the start of a meal.


The A1C test, or HbA1C, presents average blood glucose levels over approximately three months. Fasting is not required for this test. However, certain populations may need more accurate results due to factors such as anemia, receiving HIV treatment or people of particular genetic backgrounds.

For individuals without diabetes, a normal A1C level is below 5.7%. Those with levels between 5.7% and 6.4% fall into the prediabetes category.

It's prudent for adults aged 45 and above or younger adults who are overweight with additional risk factors to undergo baseline A1C testing. Subsequent testing every three years is advisable if the results are normal. However, if the results indicate prediabetes, A1C testing should be carried out every one to two years.

A1C is part of the ABCs of diabetes management aimed at preventing complications:

  • A: Regular A1C tests.
  • B: Maintain blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg or as advised by your doctor.
  • C: Control cholesterol levels.
  • S: Refrain from smoking.

Most adults with diabetes should aim for an A1C between 7% and 8%, but individual goals may vary.

Blood sugar chart

Blood Sugar Chart

What Leads to Elevated Blood Sugar Levels?

Various factors can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, known as hyperglycemia. These factors include illness, stress, consuming excess food, or insufficient insulin administration. Persistent hyperglycemia can have detrimental long-term health effects. Symptoms of high blood sugar encompass fatigue, thirst, blurry vision, and frequent urination.

When you're unwell, managing blood sugar can be challenging. If your blood sugar level reaches 240 mg/dL or higher during sickness, it's advisable to check for ketones in your urine with an over-the-counter ketone test kit. Elevated ketones can indicate diabetic ketoacidosis, which necessitates immediate medical attention.

Ketones are substances generated when the body breaks down fat for energy, which occurs when insufficient insulin allows glucose into the cells.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) arises when excessive ketones accumulate in the body. DKA is a severe condition that can lead to coma or death. Indications of DKA include rapid breathing, dry skin, red face, excessive thirst and urination, fruity breath odor, headache, muscle pain, nausea, and abdominal pain. If DKA is suspected, testing for ketones and seeking medical help if they are elevated is essential. DKA is more common in individuals with type 1 diabetes but isn't unheard of in people with type 2 diabetes.

Managing High Blood Sugar: Your healthcare provider can guide you in maintaining blood sugar levels within the desired range. Some strategies include:

  • Engage in physical activity, but refrain if ketones are in your urine, which could exacerbate blood sugar levels.
  • Adhere to medication schedules and consult your doctor for adjustments if necessary.
  • Follow a diabetes-friendly diet and seek advice if it is difficult to maintain.
  • Regularly monitor your blood sugar levels, especially when ill.
  • Discuss insulin dosage and types with your healthcare provider.

Impact of Carbohydrates on Blood SugarCarbohydrates raise blood sugar levels more than proteins or fats. People with diabetes can consume carbohydrates, but the quantity should be monitored. Carb counting is useful in managing blood sugar levels. It's vital to communicate with your healthcare team regarding your carbohydrate intake. Low glycemic index (GI) foods can contribute to better regulation of your blood sugar levels. Monitoring the GI of what you eat can be an additional strategy for managing diabetes and complements carbohydrate counting. Additionally, adopting a diet rich in low-GI foods may assist in shedding extra pounds.

Low glycemic foods


Additional Blood Sugar Management Tips:

  • Consume a nutritious diet, including fruits and vegetables.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Engage in regular physical activity.
  • Monitor blood sugar levels.
  • Eat at consistent times and avoid skipping meals.
  • Opt for foods low in calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, and salt.
  • Keep a log of your food, drinks, and physical activity.
  • Choose water over sugary drinks.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Opt for fruits as a sweet snack.
  • Practice portion control, such as using the plate method.

Remember to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and information.

ADA's A1C Guidance for Individuals with Diabetes

The ADA recommends an A1C level of less than 7% for most non-pregnant adults with diabetes. However, tailored goals might be necessary. For instance, an A1C target of less than 6.5% might be suitable for individuals with shorter diabetes history, younger age, without heart disease, or those managing type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes or metformin alone. On the other hand, a target of less than 8% might be more fitting for individuals with a history of severe hypoglycemia, advanced complications, limited life expectancy, or other illnesses. Engaging in dialogue with healthcare providers to establish individualized blood sugar targets is imperative.

For people with diabetes, A1C levels should be monitored two to four times annually.

Blood Sugar Chart: A Recap

The trifecta of fasting blood sugar, 2-hour post-meal blood sugar, and A1C tests play a pivotal role in diagnosing prediabetes and diabetes and gauging how efficiently one's diabetes is being managed. Self-diagnosis through home blood glucose meters is not recommended due to the stringent standards and protocols followed by laboratories. Thus, seeking testing at a doctor's office or laboratory is advised.

Consulting your doctor to comprehend how frequently tests should be conducted, interpreting the results, and defining blood sugar and A1C targets are of paramount importance.

If your results skew above the "normal" range and you are not previously diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, your healthcare provider should recommend additional tests and discuss a treatment plan. This may encompass lifestyle modifications like weight loss, a balanced diet, and regular physical activity. Starting diabetes medications or insulin might also be necessary. Education on self-monitoring blood sugar through a meter is encouraged to track the effectiveness of your treatment plan.
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